Friday, March 1, 2013

The world is a book...

...and those who do not travel read only a page.

Here I am.
On the eve of World Adventure #2.

Many of my friends and family know this, but for those of you who missed the memo on being constantly updated about every detail of my life, I will be escaping from my school-shaped prison traveling to the Dominican Republic for 10 days with a group from my university to work with a missions organization in that country.

Hard to believe it's been less than a year since my trip to the United Kingdom. Two overseas trips in 12 months? This a good pace; I'd like to keep this up for, oh, say forever?
Seriously though, I am blown away by God's generosity and provision toward this young, inexperienced college student with limited resources.

My first expedition out into the world was one of the best periods of my life - my thinking, vision, and attitudes changed; I grew in maturity and as a child of God; I made life-long friends and connections. That initial global contact in the United Kingdom reminds me of the feeling you get when you touch something unexpectedly cold. Fingertips brush the surface, and the icy chill travels like lightning up the arm, across the neck, down the spine, and out through the toes, heightening every sense and imbuing life and energy. It shocks you straight out of your stupor and oblivious ignorance.

I want to think that the same will happen with this trip to the Dominican. However, I have no idea how it will happen or in what form. It would be futile and ridiculous to compare the Dominican with the United Kingdom. Not only are the countries themselves vastly different, but the reasons and motivation behind my excursions are fundamentally different. So, I am attempting to enter this [second world adventure] with an open mind and malleable heart, praying that my Jesus will use me to impact other people, and be eternally changed in return.

Every once in a while, I come across a verse that stands up from the pages of my Bible and slaps me across the face. My cheek is still red and stinging from the open palm of Luke 10:9 -

"Heal the sick who are there, and tell them, 'The kingdom of God is near you.'"

Um, wow. My life's mission, purpose, and desires beautifully, simply, and concisely wrapped up and snugly tucked in to one short verse like a breakfast burrito of good thoughts and Jesus.

     1.) Take care of other people
     2.) Proclaim Jesus and his kingdom

That's all I want to do in my life. That is my passion and my purpose. Love on other people and heal them.
Heal their {bodies} with my hands.
   Heal their {hearts} with my words.
      Heal their {SOULS} with the hope of a Savior that I carry within.
I cannot imagine a better life than that. 

Pray for me.
In these next ten days, pray that Jesus will bring healing to the people around me. Pray that the kingdom of God will be near to those people. Pray that I will live, breathe, speak, and act this kingdom of God.

When I get back, I'll let you know how it went.
Catch ya on the flip side,


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