Monday, December 19, 2011

thrift: n. 1. The quality of using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.

So, in my previous post, I waxed eloquent about how this would be primarily a hair tutorial blog and I would only occasionally write about other things. And look! My first real post is going to be about a DIY project. Oh, well. That's life. 

Okay, I'm really excited about this, and I just had to share it. Like almost every single girl on my college campus, I have been sucked in the vast time-wasting abyss commonly known as Pinterest. That is where I first saw this idea: Turn the sleeves of an old sweater into trendy leg-warmers! 

Pinned Image

I know, right? Who would have ever thought? That's basically all leg warmers are. It amazes me how many simple, obvious ideas are overlooked by so many people. Anyway, I'm only a beginning blogger, so of course I forgot to document my progress while I was making them. I can only show you the finished product, but it's an easy enough concept to explain and by looking at the result, you should be able to understand how to do it.

The first thing I did was head over to my closest Goodwill during their 50% off sale and pick up a white sweater with large enough sleeves for my legs. Hey, guess what? That old sweater was $2.50. The Ugg leg warmers shown in the first picture are $60.00. That's what I call a good deal!

After washing the sweater, I cut off the sleeves (leaving the seam attached to the sleeve side) and hemmed the end that used to be at the shoulder. The hemmed part was a little large for my ankle, so I folded it along the length, sewed a new seam, and cut off the excess. Then I added a button for flourish and viola! Leg warmers.

My sewing skills are rudimentary at best, so if I can figure out how to do it, so should anyone else!

Have fun!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


So I finally did it.

The twenty-first century world is full of electronics, internet, texting, and Facebook which all leads to non-existent interpersonal interaction. Everyone seems to have the narcissistic view that their thoughts and ideas are so interesting and engaging that everyone on the internet is dying to read about them.
I have caved and joined the ranks. Thus, this blog is born.

My justification for starting is that this blog will be based on something useful and practical (hair tutorials) and thus will not be a complete waste of time. I'll occasionally post about something else - like clothes or food or other types of things that girls enjoy - but I'll do my best to make sure that everything I say is interesting or useful.

You may be wondering why I'm doing this and where the name came from. It's okay if you're not, 'cause I'm still going to tell you. (...that was supposed to be funny, but when I read it I just sound rude. Note to self: practice written humor)
I'm starting to blog because I love my hair: the color, the texture, the thickness; and I love styling it in different ways. I really enjoy playing with other girl's hair as well and showing them easy ways to make it look great. I've always been frustrated by my inability to find good, easy-to-follow sources of step-by-step hair tutorials that are free. I am fairly good at explaining things and I have a wide variety of styles up my sleeve, so I thought "Why not do it myself?"
As for the name, while I don't in any way consider myself a poetry reader, there are a few pieces that I really enjoy. One of them is Sabrina Fair by John Milton. It tells the story of a mermaid who saves a virgin. The part I like best reads:

Sabrina fair
Listen where thou art sitting
Under the glassy, cool, translucent wave,
In twisted braids of lilies knitting
The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair;
Listen for dear honour's sake,
Goddess of the silver lake,
Listen and save.

It is very descriptive and paints pictures in my mind of the way her red hair twirls around the lily roots. So, I figured the phrase "amber dropping hair" was perfect for the name of a hair tutorial blog. Well, it makes sense to me, anyway.

Well, now you know a little about me and this blog. So, let's get started!