Monday, March 17, 2014

The girl who Waited

Doctor Who is one of my favorite TV shows. Ever.

I am quite convinced that nothing will ever knock it out of its top spot in my list.

After pondering this for a while, it struck me that this is due in large part to the fantastic ginger representation. Props to you, ladies:

Karen Gillan - Amy Pond
Catherine Tate - Donna Noble


The Doctor himself even laments in Season 2 that he's never been ginger and has always wanted to be (well, duh, who wouldn't?). Perhaps this is why he surrounds himself with redheaded friends? It's a theory, anyway.

In Season 7, Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan) wears a pair of quirky, round reading glasses. While shopping for a new pair of glasses the other day, I stumbled across a pair that look JUST LIKE THEM. Um, done. Sold.

They came in the mail last week, and I'm usually not in to the whole "cosplay" idea, but I couldn't pass the opportunity to dress up.

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